Who Wins Vhagar Vs Caraxes Fight ? | Vhagar Vs Caraxes | Daemon Vs Aemond One-Eye | Vhagar Vs Caraxes Fight | Dance of the Dragons | House of the Dragon | The Blacks Vs The Greens
If you plan to watch House of the Dragon without spoilers then we recommend you skip this article. We are going to spoil what happens in this legendary Vhagar Vs Caraxes fight and lightly touching the events leading up to it. So, on one side we have Vhagar. Vharar was one of the three dragons who fought in Aegon’s conquest 130 years prior ridden by the older of Aegon’s two sisters Visenya. During the conquest Balerion was about 126 years old Vhagar was about 52 and the other dragon Meraxes was probably somewhere in the middle since Meraxes was bigger than Vhagar but smaller than Balerion.

Meraxes died in the first Dornish war ten years after the conquest and Balerion died of old age around 220 years old about 94 years after the conquest. So at the time of the dance which is about 130 years after Aegon’s conquest or 36 years after Balerion died, Vhagar is the oldest and biggest dragon alive. Not as fast as she used to be but definitely the most formidable dragon alive. Tyrion notes that a horse could have ride down her gullet. She was nearly as big as Balerion.
Earlier we have seen Drogon in Game of Thrones season 7. For many of us Drogan was the biggest dragon. But after seeing Vhagar we can say that Drogon was much bigger than the Drogon of season 7. Like four to seven times bigger in terms of mass. Her fire could melt stones. So, if you love Balerion the Black Dread add Vhagar to your love list, Vhagar was awesome.
The Greens Vs The Blacks
In this fight Vhagar was ridden by Aymond One-Eye, 20 years old who fought for the side of the Civil War called The Greens. Aemond was fighting for his older brother 22-year-old king Aegon II Targaryen. On the other side of the war was The Blacks, their half-sister princess Rhaenyra Targaryen or if you supported the blacks than you’d refer to her as Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. But princess Rhaenyradid not fight Amond. Her uncle and husband Prince Daemon Targaryen did.
Prince Daemon was previously married to Laena Velarion and Laena rode Vhagar before she died. So, when Prince Daemon riding Caraxes fought Aemond One-Eye on Vhagar, he was fighting his late wife’s dragon. This is a microcosm for the dance as a whole. it was a true Civil War not just for the nation but for the family. And the dance left the world with very few Targaryen and very few dragons.
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The Rogue Prince

Prince Daemon rode a dragon called Caraxes. We don’t know how old Caraxes was but he was read huge formidable and experienced having fought with Prince Daemon 15 years earlier in the war for the Stepstones. But even though Caraxes was huge Vhagar was twice as big. But Prince Daemon, 49 years old he wanted this fight and so did Aemond. So Prince Daemon told people to send out word that he was heading to Harrenhal and he’d be there alone. Aemond caught the word and flew out there for the showdown, this was a true duel.
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Battle above the God’s Eye: Vhagar Vs Caraxes

Aemond shows up lands around a hundred yards from Daemon and Caraxes and his pregnant wife climbs off of his dragon while Aemond and Daemon have a pre-fight chat. Caraxes starts hissing, flames dancing across his teeth. Aemond then buckles into his dragon riding saddle but Daemon does not buckle into it. This is going to play a part in the ending. So Caraxes is sitting there on the ground breathing flame Vhagar roars and it’s go time for Vhagar Vs Caraxes battle in the air. They’re far apart but they rise up as one. Caraxes is younger and faster so Caraxes flies up and disappears into the clouds. Big Vhagar slowly circles her way up.
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The hour was late near sunset, above the God’s Eye which is the largest lake in the Seven Kingdoms. The lake which houses the legendary Isle of faces the water below was smooth everything’s calm but it’s about to get crazy. Out of nowhere Caraxes lets out a piercing shriek that was heard a dozen miles away. And dive-bombs Vhagar from the west so the Vhagar was blinded by the setting Sun. They roared and began to grapple mid-air tearing at one another. They blew fire at one another.
Fire was so huge that the fisher folk claimed that the clouds were on fire. Then they start to fall to the earth to the lake below. Caraxes sank his teeth into Vhagar’s neck. Vhagar tore Caraxes belly and ripped off one of his wings. And Daemon who is not buckled in jumps over onto Vhagar rips the helm off of his nephew’s head and shoves the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister through his blind eye with a sword point coming out to the back of his throat. A half heart bit later all four of them smashed down into the lake creating a splash as high as the highest tower at Harrenhal, the King’s fire tower.

Caraxes manages to crawl out of the lake but died on the shore. And Vhagar sunk to the bottom of the lake. Hot blood from the gaping wound in her neck bring the lake to a boil where she sank. Years later after the dance of the Dragons ended, they dragged her body out. Aemond One Eye’s body was still saddled to her with dark sister through a skull. Prince Demon’s remains were never found. Supposedly no one could have survived that fall. But the romantic in me likes to think that he snuck off and found Nettles, a new love story.
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Vhagar Vs Caraxes battle was epic but very sad. Vhagar was the oldest and biggest dragon alive. She had been the last dragon left of the original three used Aegon’s conquest. At the start of the dance 130 years after Aegon’s conquest there are more Targaryen and more dragons than ever before but at the end of the dance there are very few dragons left of either kind.
Websites: | |
House of the Dragon: HBO | https://www.hbo.com/house-of-the-dragon |
Wikipedia | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_the_Dragon |
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Is Caraxes Stronger than Vhagar?
Caraxes is not stronger than Vhagar but he is younger and faster than Vhagar. That is the main reason he was able to kill Vhagar.
Q. What happened to Vhagar?
Vhagar sunk to the bottom of the lake God’s Eye, the largest lake in the Seven Kingdoms. Years later after the Dance of the Dragons ended, they dragged her body out.
Q. How did Caraxes beat Vhagar?
Caraxes sank his teeth into Vhagar’s neck. Both fall into the lake and Vhagar sunk to the bottom.
Q. Who killed Caraxes?
Caraxes lost his life in the battle against Vhagar. He survived from the fight but injuries took his life on the shore.
Youthfulness and speed were not at all comparable to body size. A larger body is a much greater advantage , If youthfulness had an advantage, Arrex would have won. but because Carex was stronger than .
Difference was experienced rider, Daemon Targaryen. Arrax had a boy rider Lucerys Velaryon.